KAP001: ListenLog
The ListenLog app runs on the teacher's Kookaberry and listens for messages broadcast from other Kookaberries. These messages contain data collected and stored when using other Apps. The received data can be retrieved as an Excel CSV file for display and analysis on the teacher's computer.

KAP002: CountMe
The CountMe app uses a five-button keyboard as a totalisator to generate the number of items counted in each of five categories. The resulting data from individually identified Kookaberries is then broadcast to the teacher’s Kookaberry for uploading to a computer for analysis and display.
KAP003: BalanceMe
The BalanceMe app emulates an egg-and-spoon race. The on-board accelerometer is used to simulate the spoon. The egg is a dot within a circle on the screen. The time and number of drops at the finish of a race is stored on the Kookaberry and transmitted to the teacher’s Kookaberry at the end of the race.

KAP004: MoveMusic
The MoveMusic app plays musical notes using gestures. It uses its on-board accelerometer to play the C Major scale in the seven octaves of a standard piano.

KAP005: WeatherHere
The WeatherHere app emulates a local weather station measuring temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed.
KAP006: LightMe
The LightMe app measures the ambient level and sends a control signal to turn a light on when it falls below a predetermined threshold. It turns it back on again when it is light enough to do so.
Variations in light level can be logged and the measurements stored for analysis and display

KAP007: SenseMe
The SenseMe app uses an infrared detector to detect the heat of a warm body and send a control signal to an alarm or light. A timer is used to keep the sensor OFF for an adjustable time after detection.
KAP008: Not yet allocated

KAP009: WaterMe
The WaterMe app measures moisture in soil (or any other medium) using a resistive or capacitive soil moisture sensor. When the moisture falls below an adjustable threshold level. a control signal is sent to a relay which connects power from a separate battery to a 3v mini-pump. When the moisture level rises to above the threshold level, the pump is switched off.
KAP010: KookaTime Tx and Rx
The KookaTme Tx app allows the user (usually the teacher) to manually sert the current time and broadcast it all other Kookaberries within range and running the Kookatime Rx app.

KAP011: Rock Paper Scissors
The Rock, Paper, Scissors app is a version of the game where you play against the Kookaberry
KAP012: Logic
The Logic app is a practical demonstration of the five Boolean logic gates (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR).

KAP013: Analogue
The Analogue app demonstrates proportional control using analogue inputs. For example, setting the threshold level in a water tank at the level at which it needs to be filled and an alarm given. A servo can be added and its angle of rotation shown s being proportional to the analogue input.
KAP014: Not yet allocated

KAP015: BinaryNumbers
The BinaryNumbers app is a practical demonstration of converting binary numbers to decimal and vice versa
KAP016: Compass
The Compass app is a simple compass application using its on-board magnetometer.
The magnetometer is affected by metal objects that are close by, and the battery should therefore be connected with a long USB lead rather than tucked in close to the battery in its 3D printed handle.

KAP017: Fractions101
The Fractions101 app displays proper fractions; compares their relative sizes; and adds and subtracts them.
KAP018: Metronome
The Metronome app simulates a metronome for keeping in time to music.

KAP019: Music Demo
The Music Demo app plays a selection of tune from the micro:bit music library.
KAP020: Pulse
The Pulse app measures and displays a pulse waveform using a heart rate sensor.

KAP021: Not yet allocated
KAP022: Semaphore
The Semaphore app sends and receives on of three signals over the radio: a wave, a like, and digital sound signal.

KAP023: WarmMe2
The WarmMe2 simulates a thermostat. It measures temperature using an NTC thermistor probe and sends an output signal to control a heater or a fan to maintain an adjustable temperature.
KAP024: CloseToMe
The CloseToMe app reads an analogue ultrasonic proximity sensor and displays GO/SLOW/STOP on approach to a solid surface. the on-board LED's are used as traffic lights and an output signal generated when it is safe to proceed.

RTTLMusic Demo
The RTTLMusicDemo app plays tunes from the Nokia ringtone library.
The WaterText app is a simple MicroPython file illustrating how easy it is to change screen messages using the KookaIDE. In this case "WaterMe" is changed to "Help Me"

LED Cycle
The LED Cycle app cycles through the green, amber, and red LED's on the front of the Kookaberry.
The Stopwatch app is......... a stopwatch.

The BounceMe app records the average of the acceleration forces over a short (adjustable) period when the Kookaberry is bounced off a surface. CAUTION: Use a padded surface or encase the Kookaberry within a protective structure.
The SenseNTCT app measures and logs temperature using the NTTC waterproof sensor

The SenseSkake app displays the average of the acceleration forces over any given period when the Kookaberry is shaken. It also logs the average and maximum acceleration over the last 40 measured samples.