Installing KookaSuite Software on your Windows PC
IMPORTANT: The KookaSuite files are “executable” files and such files, unless they have been certified as not posing a threat to a computer’s operating system, will generate warning signs and discard instructions before they will finally be allowed to load or run.
THESE Kookaberry FILES in GitHub ARE SAFE TO LOAD AND RUN. AustSTEM will commence the certification process after the next firmware version is fully tested.

Step 1: Access Files in GitHub
The software for the KookaSuite is contained in downloadable Github files.
Clicking on the above link will take you to the correct location on the GitHub website where you will see the window shown to the left. Note: Although the KookaSuite description only references macOS, the folder also contains file for Windows.
Step 2: Finding the right file
Double-click on the KookaSuite folder and the window in the top screenshot to the right will appear.
Now click on the KookaSuite-1_5-Win64.exe file and the window shown in the bottom screenshot to the right will appear

Step 3: Download files to PC
Download the file KookaSuite-1_5-Win64.exe into your Downloads folder.
The Kookaberry installer programme will assist you find an appropriate location for the final programme once you have downloaded the file
You will receive a warning at the bottom left of your screen once the file has partially downloaded.
Ignore the Discard option in the drop-down box and click the expand (>) icon and click Keep. This will allow the file to continue to download
Step 4: Warning notices
Run the new file by either double-clicking it from the taskbar or going to Downloads, selecting it and opening it.
A big blue warning will appear! Click More info and a second big blue warning will appear.
Click Run anyway and the Kookaberry file installer will open in a small window.
The next Steps will lead you through the install process

Step 5: Installation process
A Kookaberry Installer Setup window will now appear - follow the prompts in consecutive windows.
First window - Click Next
Second window - Select download destination. This will generally be a location within your local drive>users (your name) folder. Unless you have other reasons we suggest you accept the destination recommended. IMPORTANT: Make a note of this location as this is where you will need to go to create a shortcut to the various KookaSuite elements
Third window - All the KookaSuite elements will be ticked - Click Next
Fourth window - Start Menu Shortcut destination - Click Next if this location is OK
Fifth window - Ready to Install - click Install
Sixth window - Completing the Kookaberry Wizard - Click Finish
Step 6: Selecting and running files
Go to the folder location where you installed the KookaSuite software and you will find three folders for the three elements plus other files required for KookaSuite operation.

Installing KookaScripts

Step1: Installing KookaScripts
In computing, the word script is used to refer to a file containing a logical sequence of orders or a batch processing file. This is usually a simple program, stored in a plain text file.
In MicroPython they are an abbreviation of the name of the programme followed by ".py". eg
In the screenshots of the KookaBlockley and KookaIDE windows, you will see a menu box saying "Scripts", and an adjacent box saying "Choose a script".
These menus allow you to select pre-loaded scripts rather than load them individually using the Load command.
On first installation these menus will not show anything - a folder named "KookaberryScripts" needs to be installed as well. This has to be downloaded onto your computer as a "one-off" operation at the same time as you install KookaSuite.
Step 2: Downloading KookaScripts Folder
Click on the zip icon to the right, and download the zip file to the Downloads folder to a specific destination on your PC as detailed in Step 3 below

Step 3: Selecting the destination folder
Copy the KookaberryScripts folder to the same location that the KookaSuite was installed.
In the example shown, KookaSuite was installed into a folder named "Kookaberry"
Extract the files.
Step 4: Checking the files and location
When these folders and files are in the correct location they will appear in the script menu boxes in their respective code editor windows.

The Teachers Window
What is the Teachers Window?
The Teacher's Window mirrors the screen of any Kookaberry on an attached computer.
It can viewed in real time whilst running code/scripts on both KookaBlockly or KookaIDE. Click on Display box in the upper right part of their windows.
It can also be viewed in standalone mode independently of the code editors. This is used to make the screen visible to a classroom when teachers are demonstrating using their own Kookaberry

Running the Teachers Window and Shortcut
Locate the KookaTW folder on your PC and open it.
Create a shortcut to pin to your taskbar or wherever you keep your shortcuts. This is one way to do it…..
Open the KookaTW folder and hover over the KookaTW.exe file
Right click and then click on Pin to Taskbar in the drop down menu

- This screen shot above shows all three shortcuts. Hover mouse over each one to see which file it will run
Running KookaBlockly and Shortcut
Locate the KookaBlockly folder on your PC and open it.
create a shortcut to pin to your taskbar or wherever you keep your shortcuts. This is one way to do it…..
Open the KookaBlockly folder and hover over the KookaBlockly.exe file
Right click and then click on Pin to Taskbar in the drop down menu

This screen shot above shows all three shortcuts. Hover mouse over each one to see which file it will run

Running KookaIDE and Shortcut
Locate the KookaIDE folder on your PC and open it.
Create a shortcut to pin to your taskbar or wherever you keep your shortcuts. This is one way to do it…..
Open the KookaIDE folder and hover over the KookaIDE.exe file
Right click and then click on Pin to Taskbar in the drop down menu

- This screen shot above shows all three shortcuts. Hover mouse over each one to see which file it will run